Community Extension Services Office

About Us

In accordance with the Philippine government's long-term development goals, which include poverty alleviation, sustainable development, and people empowerment among others, and in line with CHED's objectives of efficiency and effectiveness, quality and excellence, relevance, accessibility, and equity in all of its programs, as well as the university's vision and mission, the Community Extension Services (CES) embarks on the following eight-point extension program/agenda which carries the name “KAHAYAG” for the next ten years from CY 2014-2024.


  • To formulate and implement an effective mechanism for planning, policy- making, financing, management, monitoring, and assessment of the Extension Service of the University;
  • To build and develop the technological abilities of the faculty for a more effective extension service;
  • To produce functionally literate, worthwhile, self-sufficient, and innovative citizens instilled with the values necessary to become effective members of the society;
  • To produce citizens who are prepared with livelihood/technical skills that ensure productivity
  • To maximize the transfer of research-based technologies in the service areas
  • To create an environment that nurtures dynamic involvement of the University, government and national and international non-government organizations, and industrial establishments in developing the depressed communities.

  • Extension Service Thrust and Priorities

    The University shall pursue extension service programs, activities and projects that will enable institutions, industries and communities, particularly the depressed and underserved, to achieve sustainable development through:
    Long-term Community-based Development Programs
    • Physical Fitness & Sports Development
    • Information, Communication & Education
    • Literacy, Numeracy & Language Enhancement
    • Cultural Development
    • Livelihood, Technical and Business Management
    • Environmental Conservation and Disaster Preparedness
    • Management and Leadership Management
    • Special Institute and Teacher Training Program
    Community Outreach Programs
    • Food and Nutrition/Health and Sanitation/Maternal and child-care
    • Medical/Dental/Optical Missions
    • Blood Donation
    • Clean and Green Community / Coastal Clean-up
    • Tree Planting
    • Nursery & Vegetable Garden Establishment
    • Relief Goods Operation
    • Gift-Giving Activity
    • Visit to orphanages/prison camps/rehabilitation center
    • Resource Person
    • Fund Raising for Community Development

    Office Personnel and Staff

    Lowell A. Quisumbing, DM

    Director, Community Extension Services Office

    Mr. Andrew A. Siguan

    Extension Coordinator, CAS

    Prof. Joderic C. Navarrete

    Extension Coordinator, COE

    Ms. Floramae T. Naing

    Extension Coordinator, CME

    Prof. Glen Rey A. Estrada

    Extension Coordinator, Graduate School

    Ms. Joanna Lyn Kristia G. Ayles

    Secretary, CESO

    Contact Us

    Email Address

    P. Paterno St., Brgy. 50., Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines
    iGovPhil GWT 25.3.3 | WCAG 2.1 Compliant (Know more)
    Phone: +63 (53) 832 3205