College of Education
Our Goal
To produce world class educators and education leaders imbued with ideals, aspirations, values and traditions of Philippine life that can adapt to the challenges of the world.
Program Offerings
Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd)
The Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) is an undergraduate teacher education degree program designed to prepare individuals intending to teach in the elementary level.

Bachelor of Special Needs Education (BSNEd)
The Bachelor of Special Needs Education (BSNEd) Generalist is an undergraduate degree program designed to prepare teachers who will teach and manage students with additional needs in inclusive and segregated educational settings.

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECEd)
The BS Biology program is structured as a general framework of study with the end view of grounding students with the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of the biological, natural and physical sciences and the conduct of research. This includes the aquisation of appropriate skills, and training in the efficient processing and presentation of information in both written and oral form.

Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd)
The Bachelor of Physical Education (BPED) is a four-year degree program aimed at equipping graduates with the competencies to meet the psychomotor, cognitive and affective needs of learners. Graduates of this program may work as Physical Education teacher in Basic Education, Dance and Sports Club Moderator, and School-based Sports Program and Events Moderator/Coordinator.

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLEd)
The Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLEd) major in Home Economics is a four-year degree program. It equips learners with adequate and relevant competencies in the area of Technology and Livelihood Education, particularly for the TLE exploratory courses from Grades 4 to 8.
Bachelor of Secondary Education - English (BSED-English)
The BSED major in English program is an undergraduate teacher education program designed to equip learners with adequate and relevant competencies to enable them to teach English in the secondary level.

Bachelor of Secondary Education - Filipino (BSED-Filipino)
The BSED major in Filipino program is an undergraduate teacher education program designed to equip learners with adequate and relevant competencies to enable them to teach Filipino in the secondary level.

Bachelor of Secondary Education - Mathematics (BSED-Math)
The BSED major in Mathematics program is an undergraduate teacher education program designed to equip learners with adequate and relevant competencies to enable them to teach Mathematics in the secondary level.

Bachelor of Secondary Education - Science (BSED-Science)
The BSED major in Science program is an undergraduate teacher education program designed to equip learners with adequate and relevant competencies to enable them to teach Science in the secondary level.

Bachelor of Secondary Education - Social Studies (BSED-Social Studies)
The BSED major in Social Studies program is an undergraduate teacher education program designed to equip learners with adequate and relevant competencies to enable them to teach Social Studies in the secondary level.

Bachelor of Secondary Education - Values Education (BSED-Values)
The BSED major in Values Education program is an undergraduate teacher education program designed to equip learners with adequate and relevant competencies to enable them to teach Values Education in the secondary level.
Management Staff
Joyce M. Magtolis, PhD

Dean, College of Education

Luis Luigi Eugenio A. Valencia, PhD

Department Chair, Elementary Education Department

Maria Lourdes G. Tan, EdD

Department Chair, Secondary Education Department

Academic Staff
Elementary Education Faculty Members
  • Ma. Rebecca A. Abayan
  • Jocelyn R. Bayrante, MA
  • Irish D. Brazas
  • Maria Lina Cipriano
  • Maria Tersa L. Delima
  • Janet P. Espada, PhD
  • Ma. Venus G. Estojero, MAED
  • Lina G. Fabian, (Dean, COE) EdD
  • Ethel P. Marcellano
  • Ronald E. Mocorro (Study Leave)
  • Apple Jane T. Molabola, MAPELEM
  • Voltaire Oyzon, DALT
  • Anjelyn F. Parado
  • Lorena M. Ripalda (Program Head)
  • Jose Ismael S. Salamia (Study Leave)
  • Alma Sonia Q. Sanchez-Danday, PhD (Coordinator, BECED)
  • Mary Anne C. Sedanza, ME
  • Thea A. Ticoy, MAPELEM
  • Irish Brasas (Coordinator, BSNED)

Secondary Education Faculty Members
  • Rhona May G. Balitong, MAED
  • Nicefero P. Casaus, MAED
  • Marife N. Daga, EdD
  • Luis Lorenzo B. Domingo, EdD
  • Cristina N. Estolano, PhD
  • Tyrone O. Gil Jr., MAT
  • Rufo A. Labarette, PhD
  • Joyce M. Magtolis, PhD
  • Kaye O. Margallo, MAT
  • Leenard Niño O. Mateo, MM
  • Melba N. Navarra, MA
  • Joderic C. Navarette, PhD
  • Elizabeth M. Quimbo, PhD
  • Ma. Lourdes G. Tan, EdD
  • Jocylen A. Tiopes, PhD
  • Michael Dell A. Tuazon, PhD
  • Luis Luigi Eugenio A. Valencia, PhD
  • Orlando P. Vinculado Jr., PhD
  • Perlita M. Vivero, PhD
  • Mr. Marvin Quayzon (Coordinator, BSED-Math)
  • Mr. Bryan Joseph Matillano (Coordinator, BSED-Science)
  • Dr. Victoria Y. Rojas (Coordinator, BSED-Filipino)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Quimbo (Coordinator, BSED-Soc Stud. & Values Ed.)

  • Dr. Maricris Loso (Coordinator, BTLED)
  • Marie Toni Aboy
  • Regine D. Berlas
  • Christopher Gambito, MBA
  • Maria Jesusa O. Silvano, MAED

MAPE/PEHM/Humanities Unit
  • Ms. Marisol C. Abanilla, M.M, Mus. Ed.
  • Prof. Rulf Alcober
  • Prof. Jerauld M. Lirios, Ed.D.
  • Prof. Jay P. Mabini
  • Prof. Rogelio Negros Jr., MAT-LANG
  • Prof. Raul R. Novillo
  • Prof. Beinvenido Roncal Jr. (On-Study Leave)
  • Mr. Gilbert William C. Salazar, MAEd-MAHPE
  • Ms. Maricar Tegero, MA PE
  • Romyr L. Gabon
  • Mr. Jay P. Mabini (Coordinator)
  • Ms. Christine Anne Juntilla
  • Ms. Novette R. Madera
Contact Us

Email Address

Dr. Joyce M. Magtolis | -
Dean, College of Education

P. Paterno St., Brgy. 50., Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines
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Phone: +63 (53) 832 3205