LNU BMME Showcases Musical Repertoire Prowess Through Recital

Leyte Normal University Bachelor of Music in Music Education (BMME) Freshmen and Sophomore students wowed spectators during their Semestral Recital at the HRDC Multi-Purpose Hall on Wednesday, November 22, 2023. The recital featured exceptional repertoire in voice, guitar, and piano performances from the Classical, Baroque, Contemporary, and Romantic Periods, including Filipino Classical music. The BMME continue reading : LNU BMME Showcases Musical Repertoire Prowess Through Recital

LNU Receives Recognition for Securing Rank 1 in the September 2023 Licensure Exam for Social Workers

Congratulations, LNU! The Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) and the Professional Regulatory Board for Social Workers (PRBSW) recognized Leyte Normal University (LNU) as rank 1 in the 2023 Licensure Examination for Social Workers at the Fiesta Pavillon, Manila Hotel, on November 17, 2023. It is recalled that LNU achieved a 100% passing percentage with two (2) continue reading : LNU Receives Recognition for Securing Rank 1 in the September 2023 Licensure Exam for Social Workers

LNU Integrated Laboratory School Students Participate in Rits Super Global Forum in Kyoto, Japan

Three students from the Leyte Normal University-Integrated Laboratory School (LNU-ILS) fostered international collaboration and cultural exchange by joining the Rits Super Global Forum 2023 hosted by Ritsumeikan High School, Kyoto, Japan, on November 12-16, 2023. Kiara Ereen Toledo, Swayne Andrea Bardillon, and Ethan Caleb Politico, along with Professor Lorena M. Repalda, ILS-Supervisor, embraced the chance continue reading : LNU Integrated Laboratory School Students Participate in Rits Super Global Forum in Kyoto, Japan

LNU Explores Potential Collaborations with Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

In a bid to provide Normalistas with growth opportunities in the international space, Leyte Normal University discusses possible collaborative activities with Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia on November 13, 2023, via MS Team. Points for collaborations discussed include student internships, faculty mobility, team teaching, research, online training sessions, and cultural exchange. The LNU attendees were continue reading : LNU Explores Potential Collaborations with Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

LNU Joins Handa Pilipinas 2023 Visayas Leg

Leyte Normal University actively participated in the commencement of Handa Pilipinas 2023: Innovations in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Exposition Visayas Leg, November 08, at the Summit Hotel, Tacloban City. Spearheaded by the Department of Science and Technology Regional Office 8, the event centered on the theme “STY Yolanda Remembered: Understanding Risks and Preventing Disasters.” continue reading : LNU Joins Handa Pilipinas 2023 Visayas Leg

LNU, Daffodil International University Meet for Future Collaborations

Leyte Normal University and Daffodil International University of Bangladesh meet via Zoom on November 7, 2023, to discuss possible areas of collaboration and eventually sign a Memorandum of Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding. From the Daffodil International University – International Affairs, the attendees were: Professor Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, the Director; Mr. Syed Raihan-Ul-Islam, Deputy continue reading : LNU, Daffodil International University Meet for Future Collaborations

Pushing Environmental Issues and Solutions Through Theater

In line with the leap for a greener future at Leyte Normal University (LNU), the third-year Bachelor of Arts in Communication (BA Comm) students presented a theatrical production called LUNTIANON on November 06, 2023, at the Audio Visual (AV) Studio. LUNTIANON is a project of the BA Comm students for their Introduction to Theater class. continue reading : Pushing Environmental Issues and Solutions Through Theater

LNU Hosts 20th NRCP Regional Cluster Convention

The National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP), in partnership with Leyte Normal University, holds the two-day 20th NRCP Visayas Regional Cluster Convention and Stakeholders’ Engagement: Strengthening Network with LGUs, HEIs, and the Third Sector, October 25-26, at LNU HRDC Multipurpose Hall. The said convention is anchored on the theme, “Towards a Positive VUCAD2 Future: continue reading : LNU Hosts 20th NRCP Regional Cluster Convention

Congratulations, New LNU Faculty Regent and Faculty Club Officers!

The Leyte Normal University (LNU) community sends its warmest congratulations and support to the new set of officers of the Faculty Club Inc. (FCI). On October 23, 2023, the new set of officers formally took their oath of office. LNU President, Evelyn B. Aguirre has sworn into office the new faculty club officers, thus: President: continue reading : Congratulations, New LNU Faculty Regent and Faculty Club Officers!